do news anchors wear wigs

Do News Anchors Wear Wigs

Have you ever wondered if news anchors wear wigs? It’s a common question that many people have, given the perfect hairstyles and impeccable makeup that news anchors seem to have every day.

In this article, we’ll explore the truth behind this question and whether wigs are commonly used in the news industry.

The History of Wigs in News Broadcasting:

The use of wigs in news broadcasting can be traced back to historical traditions and the influence of formal attire. Wigs have long been associated with professionalism, formality, and authority, which made them an appealing choice for news anchors seeking a polished appearance.

In the early days of news broadcasting, wigs were commonly worn by both male and female anchors to present a standardized and distinguished look on screen.

Different Styles and Types of Wigs Worn by News Anchors:

News anchors have a variety of wig styles and types to choose from, depending on their personal preferences and the desired aesthetic. Some may opt for natural-looking human hair wigs, while others may choose synthetic wigs that offer ease of maintenance and durability.

Wig styles can range from shorter, more conservative cuts to longer, flowing styles that exude elegance and sophistication. News anchors often work closely with professional hairstylists to select wigs that complement their features and create a consistent on-screen image.

The Impact of Wigs on the Perception of Professionalism and Authority:

Wigs play a significant role in shaping the perception of professionalism and authority in news broadcasting. They contribute to the overall polished appearance of news anchors, creating a sense of consistency and reliability.

The well-groomed and put-together look associated with wigs can enhance the perception of credibility and expertise. The formality and uniformity conveyed by wigs also align with the traditional expectations of news broadcasting as a serious and authoritative medium.

The Challenges of Wearing Wigs on Camera:

While wigs contribute to the desired appearance, they also present unique challenges for news anchors. Wearing wigs for extended periods can be uncomfortable and hot, particularly under studio lights. Anchors must find ways to manage any discomfort and ensure the wig remains securely in place throughout their on-air appearances.

Additionally, anchoring requires frequent movement and expressive facial expressions, which can be more challenging with a wig that needs to be styled and maintained.

The Cultural and Social Implications of Wigs in News Broadcasting:

The cultural and social implications of wigs in news broadcasting can vary across different contexts. In some cultures, wigs are considered a normative part of professional attire, while in others, they may be seen as outdated or unnecessary.

Additionally, wigs have a historical association with certain professions, such as law and judiciary, which can influence their perception in news broadcasting. The decision to wear wigs or not can also reflect societal norms, trends, and changing attitudes towards appearance and authenticity.


In conclusion, while it is possible that some news anchors wear wigs or hairpieces, this is not a common practice in the industry. Journalists are valued for their skills and expertise, and appearance is not typically a primary consideration in hiring or on-air performance.

While the media industry can be highly competitive and appearance-conscious, professionalism, objectivity, and accuracy remain the hallmarks of successful journalists.