how much news should you watch

How Much News Should You Watch

With so much news available at our fingertips, it can be challenging to determine how much news to consume. While it is important to stay informed, consuming too much news can lead to feelings of overwhelm and anxiety.

This article will explore the benefits and drawbacks of consuming news, and provide insights into how much news is optimal for mental health and well-being.

The Risks of Overconsumption: Understanding News Fatigue

In today’s digital age, news is readily available at our fingertips. We have 24/7 access to a constant stream of information through various platforms and devices. While staying informed is important, there is a potential downside to the relentless consumption of news—news fatigue.

News fatigue refers to the feeling of being overwhelmed or emotionally drained by the constant barrage of news updates, headlines, and stories.

Overconsumption of news can lead to a range of negative effects on our well-being. It can contribute to increased stress, anxiety, and even feelings of helplessness or despair. Constant exposure to distressing or sensationalized news can take a toll on our mental and emotional health.

It may also result in a distorted perception of reality, as negative news tends to dominate the headlines, overshadowing positive and uplifting stories.

The Benefits of Staying Informed: Finding a Balance

While news fatigue is a legitimate concern, it is essential to recognize the importance of staying informed. Being aware of current events and understanding the world around us is crucial for active citizenship and informed decision-making. The news provides us with valuable insights into politics, social issues, and global developments.

To find a balance between staying informed and avoiding news fatigue, it is important to be selective in our news consumption. Choose trusted news sources that prioritize accurate and reliable reporting. Set boundaries for yourself by limiting the amount of time spent on news consumption and designating specific periods for news updates.

It is also beneficial to diversify your sources of information to gain different perspectives and avoid bias.

Evaluating Your News Sources: Quality over Quantity

In the age of information overload, it is crucial to evaluate the quality and credibility of the news sources we rely on. Not all news sources are created equal, and it is our responsibility as consumers to distinguish between reputable journalism and misinformation.

Consider the reputation and track record of the news outlet or publication. Look for transparency in sourcing and reporting practices. Reliable news sources adhere to journalistic ethics, provide context, and offer a balanced representation of events. Avoid sources that exhibit sensationalism, lack accountability, or promote biased narratives.

The Impact of News on Mental Health: Self-Care Practices

While staying informed is important, it is equally vital to prioritize our mental health and practice self-care in the face of news consumption. Here are some strategies to protect your well-being:

  1. Limit Exposure: Set specific time limits for consuming news and avoid excessive exposure, especially before bed or during times of high stress.
  2. Seek Balance: Balance your news intake by incorporating positive or uplifting content, such as inspirational stories, human interest pieces, or educational articles.
  3. Engage in Self-Care: Engage in activities that promote relaxation, such as exercise, mindfulness, hobbies, or spending time with loved ones. Disconnect from news and focus on self-care practices to reduce stress and anxiety.
  4. Verify Information: When encountering alarming or sensational news, fact-check the information before reacting or sharing. Verify with multiple reliable sources before accepting a story as true.
  5. Stay Connected: Engage in conversations with trusted friends or family members about current events. Discussing and processing the news with others can provide different perspectives and emotional support.


In conclusion, how much news we consume is a personal decision that depends on our needs and preferences. While it’s important to stay informed, it’s also crucial to prioritize our mental and emotional well-being. Setting healthy boundaries around news consumption can help us maintain a healthy balance and prevent overwhelm and burnout.